Friday, August 31, 2012

Kitchen Cabinet Installation - Is it Time Yet?

As the winter season approaches, more people are thinking about kitchen remodeling. Like I mentioned in last week’s post, the holiday season is the busiest time of the year for individuals, and for kitchens. With that in mind, many people turn to kitchen remodeling so that their holiday season is full of great food, a fantastic place to cook it, and the unity and memories that can only be made through the most used room in the home – the kitchen.

Kitchen Cabinet Installation

Though I have talked about Signature Kitchen’s unique offering of kitchen cabinet recrafting, there does come a time when your kitchen cabinets require much more than just a touch up. Often the cabinet frames are beyond repair, and “putting lipstick on a pig” simply won’t cover up what really needs to be replaced.

Kitchen cabinet installation not only gives your entire kitchen a new look, but it allows you the opportunity to get creative. Chances are that you have been with the same kitchen cabinets for years and have learned what you like, don’t like, and where you would like things to be if you had new cabinets.

With freedom of design, high functionality and an amazing return on investment, investing in new kitchen cabinet installation is an incredible way to transform your home and prepare for the holidays.

For all of your kitchen cabinet installation needs, call Signature Kitchens – proudly serving all of Northern Virginia.

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Holiday Season...Almost: Before & After Kitchen Remodeling Projects

Chances are that you have been waiting for the perfect time to begin your kitchen remodeling project. But after being out of the house throughout the summer because the kids have so many activities, you’re on vacation, you were never home…things are about to change, because you finally have a great excuse.

It’s holiday season.

What? Of course it’s not yet. But it will be soon and it’s only a few months away.

The holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve) are some of the absolute busiest times for families, kitchens, and stomachs.

Friends and family members flock to each other’s houses to celebrate together with massive feasts prepared by…you.

So do you have an excuse yet? Yes. And fall is the perfect time to begin your kitchen remodeling project.

You know exactly what you are getting into. You are a seasoned holiday veteran. Your kitchen remodeling project has been mapped out in your mind for years, and now it’s time to reward yourself. Whether you choose to completely overhaul your kitchen with new floors, cabinet installation, countertops, etcetera, or if you choose to keep it simple by giving your kitchen cabinets a facelift with cabinet refacing, now is the time for you to make your move.

If you’re not looking to completely overhaul the kitchen, cabinet refacing is a fantastic option that gives your kitchen an entirely new look without the cabinet frame installation process. And by using real wood to reface your cabinets, forget about the vinyl coverings and say hello to a new, updated kitchen.

Don’t be left unprepared and over-stressed this holiday season by dealing with a kitchen that is small, out of date and difficult to manage.

Signature Kitchens in Haymarket, Virginia, serves all of Northern Virginia and offers top of the line products at the industry’s most affordable prices.

You officially have your excuse. Call Signature Kitchens today.



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Renting vs. Buying - Which is Best??

There is a new post on, a search engine for renters and buyers to find homes, that talks about buying a home verses renting one. Typically, people are quick to throw up their hands and immediately claim that owning a home is, of course, the best choice. But much more should be going into that decision such as location, how long you plan on living in the area, and of course, your income.

Zillow tells us that there is a magical number called the “break even horizon” - the number of years you need to own a home before you are actually saving money. For most areas, that amount of time is somewhere between 2-5 years.

What does this have to do with kitchen remodeling?

Making the switch from renting to buying, you may think that you will be spending more money initially and then completely forget about the saving money part a few years down the road. But after the first couple of years, you can start using the money you saved by making home repairs such as kitchenremodeling or cabinet installation. Both of these items provide a great return on investment for a home, which will save you even more money if you plan on selling the home in the future.

If you are moving into your first home and want to update your home with a kitchen remodeling project, rest assured that the money you will save in 2-3 years will pay for the kitchen remodel or cabinet installation. Moving into a home that has been around for some time, the owners will often choose kitchen remodeling as their first major project as that can be the most noticeably dated room in the house.

To learn more about our kitchenremodeling services in Northern Virginia, contact Signature Kitchens in Haymarket, Virginia!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kitchen Design Ideas This Football Season

Summer is almost over, unfortunately. We are only one month away until school is back in session for a number of Northern Virginia students. But with the end of summer means the beginning of fall, and with the beginning of fall, we also get football.

Football season will soon be consuming the Northern Virginia area as hopes of the Washington Redskins latest prospect are at an all time high. Football means family rooms packed with sports enthusiasts, lots of food and (probably) lots of yelling at the TV.

So if you are looking for kitchen design ideas this fall to prepare for winter holidays, look no further than football season.

As loads of people pile into your house every Sunday until January, the kitchen is sure to get a lot of use. From cooking up appetizers and halftime snacks in the kitchen to throwing a few steaks on the grill, most football fans love to eat. The football fan can run endless sprints between the TV room and the kitchen to snack on whatever is in sight.

This is a great opportunity to see how others use the kitchen, how you are using the kitchen to accommodate guests, and where you would like to see things improve.

Kitchen Remodeling

If your guests always seem to run straight into the kitchen island in between plays, you may want to consider kitchen remodeling. A full kitchen remodel will often help homeowners accommodate large amounts of guests, which can be especially helpful during holidays, parties, and football season, of course.

For all of your kitchen remodeling services and for more kitchen design ideas, visit the showroom at Signature Kitchens in Haymarket, Virginia.

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