Monday, January 26, 2009

To Remodel or Not Remodel - that is the question

If you click on the Title of this post, it will take you to an informative article on the benefits of remodeling in a slow market. It seems that 70.9 percent of the investment that you make in your kitchen is recouped when it comes time to sell (if you even want to sell after redoing the kitchen). Our Kitchen ReCrafting product line is perfect for a beautiful update, at a low price. The quality that you receive for the money that you spend is bar-none. Take a look at our portfolio page on our website,, to see what I mean!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The things you notice...

I notice that every time I learn something new, I usually carry it with me wherever I go. Everything that I see gets filtered through this new knowledge.

The past year, I have learned a ton about the nuances of stairways and railing systems. I never knew that there was so much that goes into a staircase and how complicated a railing system can be. But with the stuff that I have learned in 2008, I now find myself walking into people's homes and automatically analyzing their staircases. Or when I'm watching a movie, I notice a Box Newel Post or an old staircase that they are walking on. So the other day, when I was flipping through Pottery Barn's newest catalog edition, I saw this picture and found it unique because of the stair's configuration.

This particular staircase would be termed as an open stairway in the stairbuilding industry. It is considered open because the actual stair steps are not enclosed by a kneewall, typically called the stringer (the structural supporting diagnol part of the stair). Instead, the stair treads are attached on top of the stringer.

The thing that I found interesting in this photo, is that usually with an open staircase, the railings are attached directly into the stair step/tread, with a loose parts railing system. But in this particular case, only the newel (the supporting post) is attached directly into the tread. The railing is in fact a rake pre-assembled railing system, that runs perpendicular to the rise, or diagnol, of the stringer. A rake pre-assembled railing system means that this railing system was manufactured and then assembled at the plant, versus on site by a rail installer. Pre-Assembled railing systems are easier to install than Loose Parts railing systems, which have to be assembled and installed by an experienced carpenter on site.

This photo of the Pottery Barn stair is interesting because it just isn't very typical. While there are examples of open stairs with old pre-assembled rake iron railing systems (what I term, porch rail), I had never seen an open stair with a pre-assembled wood rake railing system. Unique, to say the least!

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